Not just for athletes, blackcurrants deliver big benefits for the over-50s

    on January 11, 2024

    AS a power player in the polyphenol world, blackcurrants offer fantastic health benefits as we age.

    This berry fruit has a unique combination of red and blue anthocyanins that are not present in any other fruits or vegetables. 

    These potent compounds can activate the human body’s naturally occurring antioxidant and other defence systems, allowing it to better handle everyday stressors, increased activity and age-related health issues.

    Here, we run through some of blackcurrant's broad-spectrum actions.


    According to the American Heart Association, 70.2% of men and 79.0% of women between the ages of 69 and 79 will experience some sort of heart disease. About 66% of all cardiovascular-related deaths occur in people 75 and older.

    Dietary patterns are key culprits in the development of cardiovascular disease. Studies have suggested that the anthocyanin component of berries offer comprehensive protection against a multitude of risk factors. 

    They also help reduce blood pressure - as several CurraNZ-specific studies have shown. A study in older Japanese adults revealed how just one week on CurraNZ turned back the clock ten years for improving whole-body cardiovascular health and helped normalise blood pressure. 


    As multiple studies have shown, our blackcurrant extract mimics many health benefits of exercise, by increasing fat burning, promoting healthy metabolic responses and lowering blood pressure. 

    A study in overweight and obese adults shows that just one week's intake of CurraNZ improved insulin responses 22% and reduce inflammation by 24%. 

    Burning more fat naturally is only a good thing and just one week of CurraNZ delivers fat burning enhancements normally seen after 1-3 months of endurance exercise. Plus, it works whether you're exercising or sleeping - just make sure you dose every day.  


    Staying mobile gets harder as you get older, and arthritis, aches and pains make exercise and activity all the more challenging. Even a day's gardening can be hard on the muscles, leaving you stiff and sore the next day.

    As our customers know, blackcurrant is excellent for reducing muscle soreness, which is why it's so popular with active people of all ages. 


    The body’s blood vessel network suffers from wear and tear as people get older, with arteries and veins becoming inflamed, clogged with fatty deposits and suffering from general congestion.

    Blackcurrant compounds support the health of the body’s blood vessels, and improve circulation and the delivery of blood, oxygen and nutrients to all the extremities of the body. 


    Blackcurrant anthocyanins also help the immune system respond to threats and provide a multi-pronged defence to stay well.

    In one study on NZ blackcurrants, the anthocyanins were found to be highly effective in eliminating four strains of influenza flu virus and demonstrated potent anti-viral properties.

    Put CurraNZ to the test this winter - particularly if embarking on a new exercise regime that will put greater demands on your immune system.