Marathoner's remarkable transformation story of losing 16.7 stone with help from CurraNZ

    on November 21, 2023

    A 50th birthday holiday snap spurred Julie Backhouse into completely overhauling her lifestyle, running marathons and losing 16.7 stone - with help from CurraNZ.  

    Weighing 26 stone 10lb, Julie Backhouse, was horrified at the picture of herself on a dream holiday with her husband (pictured left) to the Greek Islands in 2016.

    Julie, 57 says: “When I looked at the photo of me on holiday, I honestly didn’t recognise who I saw. I didn’t think it was me.

    “I’d never seen myself in the mirror this way before. I thought, ‘Who is this person?'”

    When she returned home, she kicked bad eating habits and started her fitness journey. 

    However, for all her best intentions, she found that muscle aches and pains after exercise hampered her efforts to step up her fitness regime.

    “I suffered with really painful muscles after exercising. The aches would go on for days if I really pushed myself and it did put me off trying to get fit to be honest.”

    Julie came across the antioxidant-rich supplement CurraNZ, which is renowned for reducing muscle soreness after exercise, and proven to boost fat metabolism up to 66%.

    She says: “This product is very impressive – and I’ve tried many “miracle” supplements over the years, but these wonderful capsules have helped me so much.” 

    In 2022, Julie reached her target weight of 10stone, a dress size 4-6. During Covid, she achieved her dream of running a marathon – unthinkable just a few years previously.  

    A work-place injury later in 2022 forced her to stop walking or running for many months and has since restricted her training, but Julie is comfortably maintaining her weight at around 12stone.   

    She says: “CurraNZ has been so helpful for many reasons. One of those is muscle soreness after exercise and I have no issues after my workouts, where I’m able to leg press up to 453lbs.

    "Before, I couldn’t’ climb stairs without being out of breath. Getting out of my chair, tying my shoelaces and getting into the car were so difficult previously. Now I’m running and lifting weights and will focus on my dream of running the London Marathon one day and becoming a personal trainer.  

    “I sincerely believe Curranz has helped me achieve all my goals, from enabling me to stick to an exercise routine without debilitating muscle soreness and increase my fat loss.

    Julie's Key Stats

    BEFORE - August 2016 weight (start of fitness journey): 26 stone 10lbs (374lbs)

    AFTER: March 2022 weight: 10 stone (140lbs)

    Total weight loss: 16 stone 7lbs (234lbs)


    About CurraNZ

    New Zealand blackcurrants contain one of the highest concentrations of polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidants of any commercially-grown blackcurrant worldwide.

    The region’s high ultra-violet sunlight stimulates the fruit into producing high concentrations of polyphenolic compounds called anthoycanins.

    Since 2014, 48 peer-reviewed, product-specific studies have been published on CurraNZ®, underpinning the pioneering natural supplement’s clinically significant health and fitness benefits. 

    Only the proprietary anthocyanin actives in CurraNZ®, Enzans™, have been clinically validated to have these effects on increasing fat burning capacity and metabolism.

    Enzans™ improve cardio-metabolic function, exercise capacity, glycaemic health and fat metabolism. A dozen studies have proven its efficacy for increasing fat loss at rest and during exercise and is more effective in individuals with higher BMIs.

    Each capsule contains 30,000mg of bioactives from premium New Zealand blackcurrants - the equivalent of a generous handful of berries.