This month's customer of the month is Australian podcast host, Tara Ellis from Team Ellis Running.
Tara and her partner Tim present the FlyingRunnr podcast and came across CurraNZ when researching products for runners' gut support.
Tara's gut sensitivity has meant she has sometimes only been able to run on a treadmill with quick access to the bathroom.
Trialling CurraNZ, Tara has found the product has led to a significant change in her GI stability when running - and shares her story with us, below.
Tara says: "I wanted to trial a few things after the Gold Coast weekend of running to make sure I wasn't having a placebo effect and talking myself into finding what I now think is a miracle product!!
As you know, we did the 21.1 kms on the Saturday and I fueled my body as I usually would for a half marathon the night before and morning of the race.
I had all my fingers crossed for a good run with no toilet stops. I usually can get to anywhere between 3 kms and 5 kms before I normally would have to duck off course and was waiting for my body to tell me to stop by at least the 10 km mark.
I ran the entire half marathon with no issues at all!!
Tim and I then backed it up to run the 5 km race about an hour and a half after finishing the half marathon - and still no worries at all. It was so good to be able to run consistently and have my stomach operating without GI issues.
I then ate my normal 'after race' food and fuelled again for the marathon on the Sunday like I usually would.
I knew this would be the big test as I had taken fuel (gels/blocks/electrolytes) on course for the half the day before and would have to put more in to keep going for the marathon. This usually causes big issues and I usually take Gastro Stop before and Zofran on course for any marathon, let alone doing a multi-day event.
I had recovered much faster and better than previous years doing this and my body and legs felt fresh and new for the marathon. I definitely did not have any DOMS or leg pain from the previous day of running events, which was surprising.
I thought I may have pushed my luck with my GI issues being so good the day before, and didn't have such high hopes for the marathon, but was more than surprised at how well my stomach handled everything.
I did have a quick detour at 30 kms but was back on track fast and with no more concerns!!
My recovery was amazing after the two days and putting 68.3 kms on the legs. I went for an 8km walk on the Monday with no issues or pain and felt like I could have run again if I had a race scheduled.
Last Sunday, we did a 10km race and once again, no GI issues and recovery has been perfect.
In between the Gold Coast weekend and last weekend's 10km race, I ran out of lactose-free milk and couldn't be bothered going to the shops for more. I used normal milk in my coffee and thought 'this coffee better be worth the issues I will have from using normal milk', but not one problem.
Since then, I have only been drinking normal milk and am even using it in my protein shake for breakfast with no problems. I have also found I can eat bread again without feeling awful.
I have recommended CurraNZ to several people already and I know a few have purchased.
I really can't believe how much having two capsules of CurraNZ daily has changed my running game.
Thank you so much!!
- Tara