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    Read what customers are saying about CurraNZ

    on April 26, 2023

    At CurraNZ one thing that we value the most is customer feedback. Our customers are the foundation of our business and hearing the effects our magic berries are having on people is something that makes us extremely proud.

    Here, we reveal the insights from our customer survey. 

    1. ‘If taking CurraNZ for sports recovery, have you noticed a reduction in muscle soreness?’

    A staggering 89% of you agreed. 


    Keeping in the sports and fitness category, we asked ‘If taking CurraNZ for sports and fitness, have you noticed a change in performance while training/competing?

    83% of you responded with a resounding yes! 

    So, after just two questions, we found that CurraNZ helps over three-quarters of people with for training and competition. Pretty incredible right?

    ‘Since taking CurraNZ have you noticed an increase in energy levels?’ with 74% of people responding with 'yes'.

    Finally, we asked: ‘Since taking CurraNZ have you noticed a positive change in your general health and immunity?’ Again, an overwhelmingly positive 68% replied ‘yes’.

    This is down to the brilliant anthocyanins that are heroed in CurraNZ Original. 

    These naturally occurring plant compounds are responsible for giving fruit their deep purple colouring and protect plants from everything that the environment throws at them.