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    Not all blackcurrant products are created equal

    on March 11, 2024

    WARNING - not all blackcurrant products are created equal (nor will they necessarily deliver the benefits shown in the CurraNZ science). 

    Here is a checklist to help you make a good purchase, with the caveat that if it is ‘cheap’, there will be a reason for it. We unashamedly only use premium fruit in CurraNZ® – and that quality doesn’t come cheap.

    1. Does the supplement have product-specific research to validate its marketing claims against the ingredients?

    CurraNZ is the only branded blackcurrant supplement on the global market supported by dozens of independent, gold-standard published studies. We are the science leader with a ten-year track record in the global market.

    As flattering as it is, numerous companies heavily lean into the CurraNZ research to sell their products and substantiate their marketing claims.

    The problem with that, if it isn't a 'like for like' formulation and dose, and the brand doesn’t have product-specific research, then its claims of efficacy are very likely more applicable to CurraNZ.

    Consumers need to be aware that the addition of other ingredients and levels of actives may abolish or impair the performance and fat oxidation effects of blackcurrant. Which is why any formulation needs to be validated for efficacy in research.

    2. Extract vs frozen or freeze dried blackcurrants

    Studies show blackcurrants grown in New Zealand have the highest levels of bioactives, compared to fruit from other countries. If buying frozen or freeze dried, check the origin, as it's unlikely to be match the anthocyanin levels of our product.

    3. Compare the right values - blackcurrant content measured as ‘fresh fruit equivalents’ is not as potent as our maximum-strength blackcurrant anthocyanin extract.

    You want to check the anthocyanin content in a serving, as this is the active ingredient. Some drying and manufacturing processes destroy the anthocyanins, which may be compromised or absent in the final product.  

    4. Be sure to buy genuine products

    While it is tempting to look for cheap knock-offs after learning about the scientific benefits of the CurraNZ supplements, lower-priced products often reflect lesser-quality ingredients and do not contain the requisite amount of actives to achieve sports nutrition outcomes or health benefits.

    A recent investigation by CurraNZ showed that other-manufactured ‘New Zealand blackcurrant extracts’ had been adulterated with fruits of other origins and contained high levels of chemical residues.

    This is why it’s essential to check the product is the genuine article underpinned by product-specific research and contains Enzans™, the key identifiers of the bioactives that deliver the proven benefits shown in the volume of peer-reviewed blackcurrant research.

    5. Does the product come with some kind of consumer assurance?

    CurraNZ comes with a money-back guarantee for its recovery benefits – and we stand by our product. You do not want to buy a cheap or inferior product to find it doesn’t work and feel ripped off.

    6. What about just eating blackcurrants?

    We're all for food first. Fresh blackcurrants are nutritious and we wholeheartedly recommend including them as part of a varied diet. A few considerations though - the ‘eating varieties’ aren't the same as the cultivars that are used in our functional food extract, so there may be some variation in anthocyanin levels.


    Each CurraNZ capsule delivers the equivalent of a generous handful of fresh fruit (105mg anthocyanin), so consuming 1-2 generous handfuls every day or 2 hours before exercise may not be practical, achievable or convenient. Availability is also highly seasonal and blackcurrants are not widely stocked in retail during the summer months.

    While there aren’t any studies based on fresh fruit intake to achieve sports performance outcomes (because of the variations of anthocyanins from season-to-season and cultivar to cultivar), we'd be interested to hear if that is your experience.