'Extraordinary’ new findings have revealed CurraNZ® can ‘turn on’ resting rates of fat burning by up to 61% and mimic the effects of exercise1, all without leaving the sofa.
The cumulative effects over a year would burn an additional 0.5 kg – 20.8 kg of fat (up to 3 stone), without breaking a sweat.
Experts believe it could be a serious weight management tool when used with diet and exercise and is a stunning finding in the fight against obesity, a condition that affects over 25% of Brits.
According to lead researcher Professor Mark Willems of the University of Chichester, “These findings are extraordinary. If you’re trying to increase all your healthy habits and using diet and exercise to lose weight, New Zealand blackcurrant extract could be a serious tool for those seeking fat loss, without doing anything extra.
“These new ‘at rest’ findings are exciting, because it shows blackcurrant’s effect on fat burning may go on for many hours in a day - and not just the period when you exercise. Outside of eating periods (when the effects would be eliminated), this could contribute to burning up to an additional 4.5kgs of fat in a year for some people.”
In the study, researchers tested 16 healthy and physically active males at rest, following 14 days’ intake of 600mg of the supplement.
Findings showed the CurraNZ blackcurrant extract led to:
Professor Willems says: “Based on the premise that the supplement is effective for six-ten hours of the day, outside of eating periods, when the effects would be eliminated, this could contribute to burning an additional 5kg of fat in a year for some people.
Previously, walking and cycling studies have shown that 7-14 days’ intake of the CurraNZ New Zealand blackcurrant supplement improved rates of fat burning in men and women by a third.
Studies have shown that the supplement is more effective over 14 days than seven, and more effective in those with fat deposits in the legs, arms and torso, and those who are overweight or obese.
He adds: “Blackcurrant is changing something in the system that takes time. It’s tremendous to see the effect can be achieved without exercise. Maybe it’s better over an even longer period, we don’t know yet, but it’s a really good message.”
Implications for athletes
For endurance athletes, enhanced fat oxidation, which is naturally achieved through exercise, is associated with enhanced performance2. High-fat diets are used to help the ‘switch’ to using more fat as fuel3, but studies have shown that high fat diets don’t lead to improved physical performance4.
Professor Willems notes, “It’s good to see New Zealand blackcurrant enhances fat oxidation without the need for a change in diet.
“We know you can change fat oxidation when you train or by altering your diet. Higher fat intake has been used as a strategy for improving endurance, to spare carbohydrate use.
“However, studies4 have shown that actually high fat diets don’t lead to enhanced performance, and makes people feel sluggish.
“Even from a health perspective, taking a supplement that has fast-acting adaptive fat burning benefits and has the potential to reduce metabolic inflexibility is very exciting.
“We have seen that New Zealand blackcurrant extract increases performance across a range of exercise modalities and for endurance activities we believe this is likely to be one of the mechanisms at work”.
1. Two weeks daily intake of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract enhances whole-body fat oxidation during supine rest in healthy males, Journal of Dietary Supplements, August, 2023