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    11,000 studies and counting! The power of phenolics for all ages

    on May 17, 2023


    You may have noticed that CurraNZ is a popular runner’s supplement, but its star power extends to people of all ages - and particularly older adults.

    In recent years, the value of polyphenols in our diet has been thrown into sharp focus. Over 11,000 studies in the last decade have demonstrated their incredible nutritional value, with those who consume more than 650mg a day having lower death risks than those who eat less than 500mg per day. 

    Most plant-based foods contain polyphenols, like vegetables, fruits and whole grains, but some sources, like berries and particularly New Zealand blackcurrants, are more nutritious than others (see anthocyanin content comparison graph below).

    One such example of an older population reaping the benefits of polyphenols is the people from the Japanese island of Okinawa, who live longer than anywhere else in the world and suffer from fewer incidences of common age-related conditions.

    Scientists have linked the their incredible longevity record to their impressive anthocyanin intake, thanks to their high consumption of purple sweet potato – a staple in their culture.

    As well as reversing damage in plant cells, anthocyanins defend against pests, diseases and environmental stressors, such as intense sunlight. They help restore the plant to ‘homeostasis’ – or its ‘normal’ state.

    Several recent reviews of the CurraNZ data and overarching research on berries have led scientists to conclude that these plant bioactives should be regarded as daily dietary essentials for humans too, because of the array of important, positive benefits that they provide, particularly as we get older.

    And according to a recent Harvard University study, that followed nearly 80,000 middle-aged people for more than 20 years, those who consistently ate a diet high in polyphenols enjoyed better cognitive function later in life.

    The good news is, it’s never too late to start.

    If your vegetable, fruit and particularly, berry consumption isn’t what it could be, CurraNZ can fill an important nutrient gap to supplement your diet.

    Just one 300mg capsule provides 105mg of these powerful purple anthocyanins, which have been shown in almost 50 clinical trials to have a range of beneficial effects for health and fitness consumers, including older adults.

     Whilst UK health and function regulations prevent us from sharing our research or specifically identifying the health benefits of CurraNZ, the data is readily available and searchable online.